Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Touchy Subject

Read: Psalm 5

The Psalms are awesome. They are full of truth and inspiration. Psalm 5, however, opens a can of worms on a touchy subject. The subject of sin has become a touchy subject within our culture. Our culture would have people embrace relativism and pluralism. Postmodern culture would have us to believe that man is morally good. What may be bad for one is good for the other (relativism). Culture would also have everyone embrace all religions as leading to the same God (pluralism). Absolutes have faded and given way to an array of theoretical propositions.

When man fails to recognize that they are depraved of any goodness apart from God, arrogance settles within their hearts. We must all be careful to not fall to the sin of arrogance. Psalm 5:5 tells us that the arrogant cannot stand in God’s presence, and God hates all who do wrong. Before we get upset with the word hate (because it confuses our Sunday school version of God), let’s look at the original translation of the word. Hate in this context is the Hebrew word Sane which means to be an enemy. In other words, God is an enemy to all who do wrong. God still loves His enemies, but He cannot be an ally to the ones who oppose Him.

Comfort can be found in verses seven and following. We read that God grants mercy to those who revere Him and desire a worship relationship with Him.

It’s a touchy subject, but we are all sinful (Romans 3:23). It is only by God’s grace and mercy that we are allowed to be one of His children and worship in His presence (Ephesians 2:8). We must all repent of our sins (Acts 2:38) so that we can worship and bask in the presence of an almighty God. Let me encourage you to remain humble and continue to live a life that is a continual sacrifice of praise to God (Romans 12:1; Hebrews 13:15).

Are you an enemy of Christ, or are you part of the Lord’s army?