Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

Read: Matthew 5:14

I’m sure we have all heard the famous children’s church song, This Little Light of Mine. We get caught up in the repetitive melody and the lyric usually stays in our heads for days. We sing the song, but do we really understand its meaning?
If we are Christians, then the light of Jesus Christ is in us, and it is our responsibility to let that light of Jesus Christ shine through so that the entire world can see it. We know it is not practical to light a candle and then place a bowl over it. Likewise, it is not practical nor is it right to hide our light from others around us. Some of the ways that we may hide our light is by being quiet when we should speak, choosing to follow our peers when we know they are wrong, denying Christ out of embarrassment like Peter, and refusing to witness and serve others.
If we are not hiding our light, then others will see it and it will be a witness of what Christ is doing in our lives. This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.


Are you hiding your light? If not, is it evident to others around you?